
LIFE: off to the countryside

i´m a city girl and can´t imagine living somewhere else. our apartment is really close to the heart of vienna, so even a move to the suburbs would scare the hell out of me!
but from time to time it´s great to be able to escape the bustling city and visit LL´s parents in lower austria. driving through teeny tiny villages that look like straight out of a fairytale, petting sheeps and donkeys and enjoying the delish food at the local "heurigen" makes me relax instantly. it´s perfect to fuel up after a hectic week (our new car seems to be a little bitch, because after it broke in the middle of the highway and we had to be towed to the next parking lot it started and acted as if nothing had happened. and while driving back home (yay!) we witnessed a motorbike crash right in front of us, which was a bit scary. thank god the driver got away with minor injuries.).

sooo, we are off to lower austria!
wishing you all a happy weekend!

5 Kommentare:

  1. that has got to be the cutest, quaintest street, ever!!

    i would love to go to austria, my ancestors are from there :)

  2. Have a fantastic trip to lower Austria. I love hearing more about your life in Austria.


  3. I've never lived much in a big city, but I love visiting them, because there is so much to do. :)

  4. Zum Thema Kalifornien: Guter Punkt. Monterrey fand ich auch sehr hübsch. Ich meine, im historischen Seafront Village (oder wie es sich auch immer nennt) einen Kaffee getrunken zu haben. Carmel fand ich auch sehr hübsch. Eine Weintour im Umland von S.F. habe ich noch nicht geschafft, es kommt jedoch auf meine Liste. Uebrigens, hast Du mal in Kalifornien oder sonst im englischen Sprachraum gelebt? Dein Englisch hört sich nach "native" an.
